Jumat, 15 Februari 2019

Chicken Coop Ideas For Silkies

Find and save ideas about silkie chickens on pinterest. | see more ideas about fluffy chicken, fancy chickens and chicken animal. "live on an acreage with a chicken coop of silkies, aren't they awesome!". Many folks keep silkies in order to hatch out other eggs. a silkie in ‘broody mode’ will usually accept any and all eggs (including duck) placed under her. if you live in an apartment and want to have chickens as pets, the silkies are a very good fit since they are pretty quiet too.. Chicken tractor plans free chicken coop plans for silkies if at all possible you want your chicken coop to be off the floor. this is the very best way to maintain harmful bugs rodents and other predators out of the coop or hen house..

My favorite gray hen "Mystic" | Pinning with my PEEPS ...

My favorite gray hen "mystic" | pinning with my peeps

Image result for silkie bantam chickens | I want to Paint ...

Image result for silkie bantam chickens | i want to paint

"Paint" Silkie : Can bring in some big bucks! | Chickens ...

"paint" silkie : can bring in some big bucks! | chickens

See the newest chicken coop for our newest addition of 9 silkies. beautiful birds, great for backyard chickens and make great pets. see more at: http://www. Set up a chicken run outside of the coop to protect the chickens. a chicken run is a small, enclosed area outside of the coop where your silkies can safely roam during the day. make sure the area is covered from the top so hawks cannot swoop at them.. This is my future silkie coop...just sold almost everything shown in here and now just have a few silkies and cochins taking over this "coop" it is located in our shed which is heated by a wood stove this is our shed before i added the 2x4 wall with chicken wire. the wall went up right where this picture was taken..

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